Paige King

Unbroken and Beautiful

Lately I've been listening to the One Year Bible plan in my car. Can I just say, Genesis is enough to give a girl road rage. Yes, I said Genesis. I'm a little late to the game, okay? Even though I've read it before, it's hitting me like I feel a true crime podcast. Or a daytime soap opera. The whole book is fraught with characters who are hot messes. Abraham made his wife pretend to be his...

Check on Your Moms of College Freshmen. We Are Not Okay

Our daughter, King #2 is two weeks away from leaving for college. She will be attending school in Dallas, and she’s the first of our kids to flee the 806. If you try to console me by saying, “it’s only a five-hour drive or a forty-five-minute flight,” I will invite you to come over and measure the distance between her bedroom door and mine. Dallas isn’t the dinner table. Dallas isn’t the sofa...

Get Ready, Two Shoes

    One time I heard a lady on the radio talking about cleaning and organization who said, “Productive people get up in the morning and get dressed, two shoes right away.” That seemed a bit basic. Who gets dressed with one shoe? Perhaps home organization is the least of that guy’s worries. Then I read the radio guest’s blog, and she wasn’t suggesting people get dressed, two shoes...

About Stephanie


I am a biologist and former high school science teacher with a loud family. My husband, kids, and I like big dogs and Tex-Mex. We quote absurd lines from movies and do outdoor things like hike (while complaining about hiking). Our rule-following German Shepherd thinks being off-leash at the dog park is total anarchy.

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